Hi-tops are AWESOME. Especially those done by ME:)
SO, I just decided one Sunday, that I should paint my own converse. In weird but awesome colours. So, I bought them, and on Friday, yes this Friday, the Friday before BTs, I painted them:) I took it as a pre-exam relaxing activity...
And today, I was taking random photos and editing them. All these time when I should've been writing my AEP essay D: Alors, I guess it's worth all these fuss, cos' it's looking FINE now.

Anyway, I painted the with acrylic paint, added some black lace and sewed a polka-dotted ribbon on their tongues,(which was a really abrupt decision)
cool shoes! its a refreshing change from the normal converse shoe that i always see! i like bright colours and how the black lace contrasts with the colours. its a fun shoe, but the lace gives it a feminine touch. i've never tried painting a shoe and now im inspired to try! (maybe not a shoe but a t-shirt or something?) but it can only be done after exams. argh i dont want exams to come :(